AALCO Hong Kong Regional Arbitration Centre (AALCO-HKRAC) warmly welcomed the delegation from Guangdong Lawyers Association – 6 May 2024
Led by Mr Liu Tao, Vice President of the Guangdong Lawyers Association, a delegation of 28 leading arbitration lawyers and dispute resolution experts from Guangdong visited AALCO-HKRAC.
Mr Nick Chan, MH, JP, the Director of AALCO-HKRAC and Mr Dennis Cai, the Deputy Director of AALCO-HKRAC had an enjoyable and fruitful exchange with the delegation on the latest developments of arbitration in Hong Kong and explored on future cooperation between AALCO-HKRAC and Guangdong Lawyers Association on many areas of common interests, including training on foreign-related legal talent and joint promotion in the 48 AALCO member states which all are active countries along the Belt & Road Initiative.