With sophisticated judicial and legal systems, solid foundation of the rule of law and a diverse pool of top-notch legal talents in resolving disputes, Hong Kong is the centre for international legal and dispute resolution services in the Asia-Pacific region.
At the invitation of The Law Society of Hong Kong, Nick Chan, MH, JP, Director of AALCO Hong Kong Regional Arbitration Centre and other speakers includes the Hon Teresa Cheng Yeuk-wah, GBM, GBS, SC, JP, the Hon Mr. Justice Johnson Lam Man-hon, Dr. Anthony Neoh, SC, JP, Dr. Thomas So, JP and the Hon Rimsky Yuen, GBM, SC, JP shared their insights on the latest developments and opportunities, illustrated Hong Kong’s unique strengths in corporate and commercial legal services, and provided guidance for consul generals, business leaders, community leaders and legal professionals from around the world on ways to do business in a rapidly changing way whilst leveraging on the many unique strengths of Hong Kong as a leading arbitration and mediation hub for resolving commercial disputes.