Mr Nick Chan, MH, JP, the Director of AALCO Hong Kong Regional Arbitration Centre, on invitation from AIAC in Malaysia, and attended in-person at the AIAC ADR Week 2023 (24-26 August) and led a discussion with disputes resolvers around the world on the latest developments and landscape in the fast expanding digital economy, with emphasis on how best to use Online Dispute Resolution Platform and the AALCO disputes settlement system to pre-empt, prevent and resolve disputes concerning Generative AI, ArtTech, Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies, DLTs, FinTech, Metaverse, Web3.0 and the many unique advantageous of Hong Kong as a regional disputes resolution hub.
AALCO Hong Kong Regional Arbitration Centre is the first AALCO arbitration centre established in the region based on international laws and in a country-neutral status to handle cross-border disputes from Asian and African jurisdictions and beyond. Mr Dennis CAI, Deputy Director, also joined an engaging panel discussion session and exchanged views with representatives of the other five AALCO arbitration institutions on future collaborations of arbitration institutions.