AALCO Hong Kong Regional Arbitration Centre (“AALCO-HKRAC”) had the privilege and joy of conducting training and hosting an AALCO “family dinner” in Hong Kong for visiting delegates from other AALCO member states who flew in to attend the 7th Training Session of China-AALCO Exchange and Research Programme on International Law (CAERP) from 30 June to 7 July 2024.
Our Director Mr Nick Chan, BBS, MH, JP, conducted a training session for over 30 delegates who are senior legal officers, arbitrators, lawyers, diplomats from AALCO different member states.
The training covered the law and ethics of AI, LawTech, and the latest developments of and unique advantages for countries and parties to use the model mediation clause and model arbitration clause of AALCO-HKRAC. AALCO-HKRAC invited suitably qualified professionals from AALCO member states to join our panels of arbitrators, and Deputy Director Dennis Cai shared information of our upcoming accreditation course and an upcoming mission trip to Egypt and South Africa in October 2024.
The establishment of CAERP was announced in April 2015 by President Xi Jinping during the Asian-African Summit in Indonesia, and AALCO-HKRAC, as the only AALCO’s regional arbitration centre in the north-east Asia, plays an active role in this programme, promoting arbitration as a peaceful means for resolving conflicts in the region.
Delegates continued to exchange many issues of common interests during an enjoyable networking dinner hosted by Director Chan and Professor Teresa Cheng, the Co-Chairman of AAIL.