Mr. Nick Chan, MH, JP, encourages closer collaboration and use of new technology among legal and business communities in Asia and Africa for more disputes-free trade and commerce at the 61st AALCO Annual Session in Bali, Indonesia, 16 October – 20 October 2023
Mr. Nick Chan, MH, JP, the Director of AALCO Hong Kong Regional Arbitration Centre (AALCO-HKRAC), delivered our annual report at the 61st AALCO Annual Session in Bali, Indonesia from 16 to 20 October 2023. He highlighted Hong Kong’s many unique advantages to serve as an international hub for arbitration, LawTech, and legal services for parties from the regions.
This year, the meeting of the 47 member states discussed a number of substantive matters including the work of the United Nations International Law Commission, the Law of the Sea, Environment and Sustainable Development, International Trade and Investment Law Reforms related to investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS), Asset Recovery and Legal Issues in Outer Space.
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