AALCO-HKRAC Celebrates many Joint Achievements at its 2nd Anniversary on 5 June 2024
AALCO-HKRAC Celebrates many Joint Achievements at its 2nd Anniversary on 5 June 2024
Close to 200 remarkable individuals, including ambassadors, consuls general, diplomats, Hong Kong deputies to the National People’s Congress, members of the Executive Council and Legislative Council, policymakers, lawyers, arbitrators, business leaders, deans of law schools, and professionals from various fields across the globe gathered together in Hong Kong on 5 June 2024 to celebrate many joint achievements reached over the past two years since the opening of AALCO Hong Kong Regional Arbitration Centre (AALCO-HKRAC).
Over 120 experienced arbitrators with a combined experience of over 3,000 years and knowledge and practice admission in over 20 jurisdictions and together speaking over two dozen languages have successfully joined and strengthened the Panel of Arbitrators of AALCO Hong Kong Regional Arbitration Centre. Their inclusion in the panel will reinforce our abilities to effectively resolve disputes with AI and advanced LawTech and uphold the principles of fairness and justice.
At the Ceremony, AALCO-HKRAC also entered a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Association for the Promotion of Arbitration in Africa (APAA) for strengthening the collaboration on promoting Hong Kong arbitration services in Asia and Africa. This is the 18th MoU that AALCO-HKRAC has entered since its inception two years ago, underpinning the current robust alliance of AALCO-HKRAC and professional bodies and international organizations in the two continents.
Attendees also witnessed the important milestone with the unveiling and launch of the 2024 AALCO-HKRAC Mediation Rules, a set of rules that are user-friendly and cost-effective. These rules enable parties to refer their disputes to private and confidential mediation processes administered by AALCO-HKRAC, an internationally based administering authority.
AALCO-HKRAC will expand into the sports dispute resolution market, provide efficient domain name dispute resolution services and bring delegations to visit countries in Africa and the Middle East to support win-win economic development, promote peaceful alternative dispute resolutions and foster international cooperation in this region.