AALCO Hong Kong Regional Arbitration Centre (AALCO-HKRAC) is rolling out its 2024 Arbitrators Empanelment and welcomes suitably qualified professionals to apply to join our Panel of Arbitrators to meet the growing needs for arbitration services in the region.

“AALCO” stands for the Asian-African Legal Consultative Organisation, an inter-government organisation founded in 1956 as a success out of the Bandung Conference held in 1955 with a consensus to promote peace and cooperation in the world. AALCO has 47 member states comprising the major states from Asia and Africa, 90% of these countries are active participants of the Belt and Road Initiative.

AALCO-HKRAC is the first regional disputes resolution institution with international organization status in Hong Kong and North-East Asia established by AALCO, which opened a new chapter of international arbitration by bringing the enduring success of the robust AALCO Dispute Settlement System since the 1970s to this part of the world. Featuring advanced and modern Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) and LawTech platform, AALCO-HKRAC provides highly cost-effective and speedy arbitration and mediation services for users ranging from MSMEs to large state-owned enterprises, governments, and multinational corporations local and overseas.

Successful empanelment of the AALCO-HKRAC’s Panel of Arbitrators will further empower practitioners in the region to leverage the many unique and new advantages of Hong Kong as the seat for disputes resolution and strengthen experience and network to make a positive impact. Panel members are expected to help jointly promote the use of mediation, arbitration and online disputes resolution and improve access to justice in the region.

Your active participation in our 2024 Arbitrators Empanelment will be graciously welcomed by us and we look forward to getting to know you, working with you, and growing with you.

Please kindly proceed to prepare and submit your application online at:

Arbitrator Empanelment Application – AALCO (aalcohkrac.org)