AALCO-HKRAC Welcomed Korean Ministry of Justice and Korean Legal Interns – 29 July 2024
AALCO-HKRAC had the pleasure of welcoming a team of Korean participants, including legal interns and young lawyers, from the joint event exchange program hosted by the Hong Kong Law Society and the Korean Ministry of Justice, who are interested in international affairs and arbitration.
Our Deputy Director, Mr. Dennis Cai, led an introductory speech on the creation and structure of the AALCO-HKRAC, highlighting its unique and neutral international arbitration opportunities that supported by the 48 AALCO member states. He also shared the special advantages of being an arbitrator in Hong Kong, such as being the first and only jurisdiction that the parties commence proceedings under specified arbitration centre, like AALCO-HKRAC, may apply interim measures in Mainland courts. Being the “super-connector” and the “super value-adder”, Hong Kong provide support to the Belt and Road initiative by leveraging our advantages as a service centre along the Belt and Road routes that are most internationalised and most familiar with Chinese matters. Mr. Cai also pointed out that the Republic of Korea has consistently been in the top ten regions that chose Hong Kong as their arbitration seat, showcasing a great career prospect for Korean lawyers who aspire to pursue a career internationally to work in Hong Kong.