AALCO Hong Kong Regional Arbitration Centre (AALCO-HKRAC) invites suitably experienced mediators to join our Panel of Mediators to meet the growing needs for mediation professionals and mediation services.

How to become an AALCO-HKRAC Mediator

Applications for empanelment shall submit the online application form at our website. AALCO-HKRAC may consider the following factors for admission of mediators:

  • substantial experience in commercial mediation;
  • completed sufficient mediator’s training in any of AALCO’s member countries and other jurisdictions;
  • practical experience in Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) or use of LawTech;
  • not considered to be guilty of misconduct by a court or disciplinary tribunal which calls into question the candidate’s ability to act as an arbitrator; and
  • substantial connections with Asia and/or Africa.

Applications may be submitted together with sanitised settlement agreements, written references, and other supporting materials verifying the applicant’s skills and experience relevant to the above criteria.

AALCO-HKRAC reserves the right, in its absolute discretion, to approve, defer, or reject applications for new and renewed empanelment, and the decision of AALCO-HKRAC is final.